Bishop John Kirby of Clonfert, commenting on the recent (September 20120 publication of the report of the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church said
that he accepted the Board's review of how clerical abuse was handled
in the diocese “in its entirety”. He said that the diocese had
“rectified the deficiencies noted by the review and has implemented all
eight of the formal recommendations in the nine months since last
On a personal note, he admitted that he had shown a “previous lack of
understanding of the sinister and recidivist nature of the child
abuser, and the lifelong damage that this destructive behaviour has on
victims”. His most profound apology was reserved for his “grave mistake”
moving two repeated priest abusers to different parishes after
complaints were received against them. This, he said, placed others “at
serious risks”.
The “……lack of understanding of the sinister and recidivist nature of
the child abuser, and the lifelong damage that this destructive
behaviour has on victims” argument has been trotted out by churchmen
from the very first days this whole clerical sex abuse business became
widely known. This is beyond naivety. It is insidious and self serving
and downright untrue for the following reason. The institutional church
is an authority on evil. Its priests have been listening for centuries to
people - presumably including other priests – confessing their sins in the
confession box. The church has centuries of knowledge of all kinds of
human failings. To hear that a bishop in the 20th century had no
understanding of the crime of child sexual abuse and its consequences is
to invite us to believe that he is either a fool or a knave. There are
few foolish bishops.
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