A new study confirms that people, like many animals, easily recognize a unique—but not unpleasant—eau de elderly: Ferris Jabr, Scientific American, May 30, 2012read more
This reminds me of the story about Samuel Johnson, the famous English lexicographer who was a stickler about the precise meaning of words and their usage. His personal hygiene apparently left something to be desired and when he met a woman in a railway carriage who remarked to him "Sir, you smell!" he replied, "no madam. I stink, you smell"
This reminds me of the story about Samuel Johnson, the famous English lexicographer who was a stickler about the precise meaning of words and their usage. His personal hygiene apparently left something to be desired and when he met a woman in a railway carriage who remarked to him "Sir, you smell!" he replied, "no madam. I stink, you smell"