Monday, 19 August 2013

Same sex "marriage"

In today's there is a report of the the partner of the Guardian journalist who worked with Edward Snowden to expose US surveillance tactics being detained for almost nine hours under British anti-terror legislation. The report is headed "Husband of journalist who broke NSA leaks story held for nine hours in London". I did not know that these people were in a same sex marriage and had to read down a bit until I realised this. Is the term "husband" the correct one to use in this case? The husband referred to is David Miranda. Is his partner Glenn Greenwald, his wife?
I support equal rights for same sex "unions" but we have to get our terminology right when referring to the participants therein. I have doubts about even calling the the relationship marriage. I am open to persuasion in this matter.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

State of the nation

Stephen Collins had an excellent article on Saturday's (10th Aug) Irish Times. It was excellent from the point of view of being measured and balanced. Too often what we get about the state of the nation are various rants from perhaps well intentioned but nevertheless probably very angry people. Such a frame of mind is not conducive to rationally thought out solutions. We need a revolution but not of an explosive kind - rather in the nature of a controlled explosion.